Who are we?

We are a group of students that is composed of various majors who have come together in order to begin work on the competitive project held by NASA that is known as Student Launch. We are also all members of the organisation known as Students for the Exploration and Development of Space at the University of Central Florida, or SEDS for short.

Students for the Exploration and Development of Space at the​​ University of Central Florida

​2013-2014 NASA Student Launch 
What is this?

This is a page dedicated to the hosting of the SEDS - UCF Student Launch team to post documents to be reviewed by NASA for the Student Launch competition. Here you will find reports and designs for what we believe is the winning design in this years Student Launch competition. 


At the moment how is a great question. How will we design our rocket? How will we fund this? How will we accomplish our goals along the time line? The answer is simple, with your help. We currently are fund raising through indiegogo in order to be able to construct and compete, and with your help you can turn this dream into a reality. Look out for the link coming soon! 

All information is to be held by UCF - SEDS and may not be copied or redistributed without express permission of the chapter.